Rotating pistol holster loop

Maximum safety

Rotating pistol holster loop

Special features

The problem is known: Police officers need to carry more and more gear on their duty belts. This not only increases the carry weight of the belt but drastically reduces the free movement of officers inside and outside of vehicles. But especially in vehicles – which mostly do nowadays have a central console – police officers encounter the problem of weapons pressing painfully on the waist and in their hips and they can only with difficulty – if at all – fasten their seat-belts as the weapon and / or the baton is in the way.

Therefore Waffentechnik Borkott & Eickhorn GmbH developed a rotating holster loop for pistol holsters. The German State Police of North-Rhine Westphalia was the first client with now over 20.000 holster loops in service since 2009: we adopted the patented rotating holster loop system tot he existing Safariland holster so that the client could keep the existing holster and did not have to conduct a new training session for a completely new holster.

Technical data

Striking agility
  • Length: approx. 177 mm / 7.0 in.
  • Width: approx. 70 mm / 2.8 in.
  • Thickness: approx. 23 mm / 0.9 in.
  • Weight: approx. 200 g / 7.05 oz.
  • Holster loop width*: approx. 50 mm / 2.0 in.
  • Material: Thermoplast
  • *Loop width can be adjusted upon customer specifications.

The rotating pistol holster loop system can be rotated by 360° in 15° steps. It has been tested by an official German Police laboratory in temperatures of -20 °C – +70 °C for rigidity, breakage, usage, etc. The system was rotated in all temperature zones with 4.000 rotations in a 90° angle forwards and backwards totaling 8.000 rotations. This simulated a duty life of ca. 10 years. After these 8.000 rotations the torque after the test was not allowed to differ more than 10 % from the prefixed torque before the test. The torque of the holster loop can be chosen within certain parameters by the client.

The rotating holster loop not only convices by its simple function but also by its very flat and sturdy design which makes it a very comfortable solution and will make it easy for users to adopt to this new system. One of our customers has two different belts in use for his police. In this case we delivered the loop with a standard belt loop and with an additional adapter so each officer could individually decide on which belt to wear his holster. The holster loop works ambidextrous, so it can be worn by left-hand and by right-hand users. In the meantime various other customers were convinced by our innovative rotating system and integrated it into their services. We can adopt the rotating holster loop to almost an other pistol holster in service which will reduce training efforts and saves money.

Our references

highest performance
through best craftsmanship

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Contact us

Borkott & Eickhorn GmbH

Wuppertaler Str. 90 – 94
42653 Solingen

+49 212 258100